Let’s say you are well on your path to healing. You are doing the mental, emotional, and perhaps spiritual work on your journey to wellness. You see your past from a different perspective, no longer identify as a victim, and have developed a powerful and positive mindset.
During the day you feel great. But at night, as you relax and settle in for sleep, you feel your energy shift towards a lower vibration. Or perhaps you have nightmares or disturbing dreams that awaken you from a peaceful slumber. It seems you are now in a lower emotional state and are back to square one. Some forward / backward movement is natural as we evolve spiritually. But if you find that you have frequent drops in vibration and cannot hold a positive emotional charge, you may need to heal your etheric body.
This is what I call the rebound effect. I’ve experienced this myself and seen this hundreds of times in working with other people on their own path to healing and transformation.
The rebound effect is like a short circuit. You do the work to keep your vibration high. Then a seemingly minor trigger, or just relaxing your focus during rest and sleep, can send you way back down vibrationally.
There is a simple answer as to why this happens. The healing is happening on the mental and emotional level. It is necessary and it is important.
However, sometimes healing is needed on the etheric body as well. What is the etheric? It is the life force energy that runs through the energy centers and meridians of the body.
The longer we spend time in traumatic, negative, fearful, critical or simply inharmonious environments, the easier it is for body energies to run counter to the ideal energy body for an individual. We can essentially become wired, energetically, to lower vibrational states. Then, when we wish to change to a higher state, our etheric short circuits.
For example, a child with a high level of soul awareness is born into an extremely religious family. The religious dogma is fear based. Any questions or mention of spirituality from the child are met with angry rebukes, criticism of the child’s Self, or even corporal punishment. Over the years this impacts the energy body. It will be difficult for the child to ground the spiritual insights and live them. A circuit of following through on intuition –> fearful outcome has been created. Reinforcing this over and over, will effect how energy runs in the body.
I’ve experimented with many different bioenergetic modalities to heal my etheric body. Reiki, acupuncture, and QiGong are popular methods. Grounding – by reconnecting to Earth and Sun energies – and QiGong were instrumental in my healing. I’ll be sharing more about how to heal the etheric body in future posts!
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