The quality of your dreams can tell you a lot about your level of consciousness. Are you having bad dreams or nightmares? What do your dreams look like – are they vivid and colorful, or blurry and dull-colored? Perhaps you don’t dream at all? And of course, we have all heard of lucid dreaming, and out of body experiences while we sleep.
Most of our dreams are subconscious cleanup. These dreams are blurry, out of focus, and lack in color. Sometimes they are repetitive, as the subconscious mind tries to work through issues. If a repetitive dream is bothering you, you can do dream therapy to help the subconscious mind heal. I do this using a modality called Timeline Healing. In Timeline Healing, the client relaxes deeply and recalls the troublesome dream. Then we infuse the issue with the light of the Superconscious to resolve the issue.
Sometimes during a spiritual awakening, people experience reversals while they sleep. A reversal occurs when a person focuses their attention in a positive way during the day, and shifts to a higher emotional set-point. At night, while they sleep, nightmares come and seem to reverse all of the progress made during the day. This can be extremely frustrating for people who are working hard to heal. Though each person is different, I have observed that generally reversals occur in people who have deeply ingrained negative patterns. These patterns can be observed in parents, ancestors, etc. and can be called ancestral issues or traumas. Dream therapy can be helpful in resolving these deeply ingrained negative patterns. I have also found certain body movements and grounding practices to help clear these negative patterns out of the body energy.
What about no dreaming at all? Some indigenous people believe that people who don’t dream are out of touch with their Soul. No dreaming is an indication that the ability to clean negative energies out of the body is not working optimally. In my upcoming book, The Ultimate Guide to Grounding, I share practices that can help turn deep sleep and dreaming back on.
The dreams I love the most are the ones that come from the Superconscious (sometimes called Soul, or Higher Self). These dreams are bright and full of color. Infused with love and higher vibrations. You awaken from them feeling uplifted and inspired. Sometimes messages, advice, or a direction to go are given during these dreams. The more time you spend in Superconscious states during the day, the more likely you are to experience these lovely dreams at night.
How has your dreaming been affected by your spiritual awakening?
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