Most lightworkers have an easy time connecting with energy from the higher realms. What can be more challenging is grounding and connecting with the physical plane we exist on. As you go through the ascension process grounding becomes even more important. Here are my top tips for staying grounded during a spiritual awakening:
1. Nature. Spend time outside EVERY SINGLE DAY. I live in the Northeast where we experience bad weather for almost half of the year, between rain, snow and cold temperatures. Investing in outdoor gear that allows me to go outside no matter the weather was a wise choice. When I had a kundalini awakening nature quickly became my best friend and ally. Some days I only have 5 minutes to spend outside and that can be enough. During the ascension process lots of old energies release and nature can transmute them just by the act of walking through the woods with the intention of re-harmonizing yourself. I’ve found parks in the middle of the city helpful when traveling.
2. Chanting. Sacred sounds are physical representations of the divine. During the ascension process you are letting more of your divinity through into your physicality. Chanting is a way to harmonize your consciousness with the divine and to ground these energies into your body. The best sound I’ve found to ground energy during a kundalini awakening is the sound HU.
3. Sleep. Ultimately, our consciousness knows what to do. Lots of re-wiring happens as we slumber. Take advantage of the sleepiness you may feel during an awakening and get some extra rest.
4. Physical Activity. Take it from me (I did not follow this advice when my kundalini awakened), you may not feel like moving at all especially if you awaken abruptly. Find some way to move. I lost all interest in activity but walking through the woods was something that soothed me and I did it. I wish I had started sooner. I had become so sensitive to energy that I did not want to be around other people at a yoga studio or at the gym.
5. Detoxification. Anything that flushes out the old – drinking water, detoxing, exercising all help to release old energy through the lymph so the new energies could make their way through your body.
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