At this point I’ve met almost 1000 people who experienced intense, prolonged energy head pressure after spiritual awakening. There is an underlying theme, an energetic pattern, that almost all of those people went through. Do you want to know what it is? Sustained contraction of their consciousness.
This happens for several reasons:
- relationship with an energy vampire; when someone drains you of vital life energy, shutting down can be a response
- frequency mismatch; an example is a child being born into a family with a much lower level of consciousness. To find balance within the family dynamic, the child may contract at the crown.
- authoritarian, abusive, unsupportive environments; most people with head pressure experienced a backlash when they “stood at their full height” at home, at school, or in the community over a long period of time.
One of my biggest surprises while healing my own head and body pressure was how effective physical approaches are. As someone who has mostly worked with consciousness for changes in my outer reality, this was new territory. No amount of energy treatment or belief work put a dent in my head and body pressure.
It was only through taking a deep dive into Taoism, and working with a Taoist healer, that I understood why. Over time, the repeated contractions I made at the crown had embedded into my cells, tissues and organs. The energetic patterns, repeated over time, densified. Most people I talk to about stuck energy in the head other parts of the body can feel this densified energy. It can be unsettling if you don’t know what it is.
The first hint of progress I made was when I discovered QiGong exercises to release old energies to the Earth. I learned how to open up my grounding meridians and finally felt relief. Next, I met a Taoist healer who measured the energy patterns of my organs. He discovered that when my consciousness raised, my liver became “angry.”
This was a core pattern in my earlier life, having been part of a low-frequency religion during my childhood. I was not allowed to express the higher aspects of my self, and when I did, others became angry. After advising others to receive Taoist treatments for energy head pressure, I discovered that this is a common theme. When consciousness raises, liver heat rises. This negative imprint can be cleared from the energy body with Chinese herbs. I know other people who have cleared this using herbs such as ashwaganda (for the brain) and milk thistle (for the liver). For most people with head pressure, the brain and liver need to be cleared.
The Chinese herbs stopped my debilitating head pressure. I could feel the access to higher levels of consciousness return to me. My Soul told me I had received the maximum benefit possible with Chinese herbs. So I stopped. I no longer had the debilitating head pressure. I knew how to clear negative energies from my body. But I still had tightness at my crown from time to time, and I could feel that there was too much energy there. On a scale of 1-10, with 10 being extreme, debilitating head pressure, I was at a 1 or a 2. After years ranging from 5-7, I wondered if this was as good as it gets.
I floundered for a while, trying various ways to completely heal this unwanted imprint. Since I knew this imprint robbed me of vital life energy, I made sure to follow a biophysical protocol for providing abundant energy. Through an amazing synchronicity, I found myself working for a physicist who confirmed what I observed in my lab work years ago. All dis-ease begins when the body is depleted of its energy reserves.
I implemented the biophysical protocol (sleeping grounded is a part of this) and my nervous system became stronger. I could feel my energy reserves building up again. Years of the head pressure and constant emotional processing had left me feeling weak and depleted. Stable earth energy filled up my body as I slept connected to the Earth. And, I could feel negative energy leave my feet. More emotional processing happened during dream-time, in an easy way. I could feel myself restoring. With energetic reserves and a stable connection to Earth energy, I was holding higher states of consciousness and dropping out less frequently.
For me the final piece came while exploring some creative pursuits – singing and dancing. Whilst opening myself up to music, visions of drum ceremonies and auditory memories of drum beats came to me. I slid into a type of trance and felt my heartbeat and breathing slow down. Then I would come back into waking reality. Something about sound and rhythm intrigued me.
Soon after I attended a sound bath and had an ayahuasca level trip. Visions, ecstasy, bliss, and connection were some of the amazing effects. I have never felt called to take psychedelics or consciousness altering plants. Weekly I receive calls from people who have body energy issues after taking hallucinogens and opening energy centers before being ready. But this sound experience was so integrative, easy, and gentle. I knew sound and frequency healing were the next frontier for me.
So I learned how to use sound waves and vibrations to tune the energy body. I used a tuning fork that acts through tissue vibration on my head. Instantly, the tightness released. I had been tight in this part of my body for so long that I was overwhelmed by the relaxation it produced to be completely free of it. Sound waves and overtones brought my nervous system back into balance. Over time my nervous system built the capacity to sustain and hold higher states of consciousness.
I even used sound to heal the bones in my head. It’s difficult to find this information, but some spiritual teachers talk about the importance of cranial suture mobility and parietal bone balancing during spiritual awakening. When leaps in consciousness are made, physical changes in the brain occur. It is important for the cranial sutures to have mobility to adjust to the changes. I found such sweet relief from these small adjustments.
Edgar Cayce predicted that “Sound is the medicine of the future.” Albert Einstein said, “Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies.” After my experiences with sound for healing, I completely agree.
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