Energy pressure in the head is a complex problem. However, once you understand the cause it becomes easier to treat and heal completely.
The first task is to understand what is causing the energy pressure in the head. Most people who suffer from energy tension in the crown area sense that the issue is imbalanced energy. However, getting a medical evaluation can put your mind at ease and allow you to move forward without worry.
When working with new clients who want to treat energy pressure in the head, I schedule a video chat. During the one-hour session I ask a series of questions that helps me hone in on the underlying cause. There are energetic occurrences that mimic kundalini. If I see something like this in your aura, I may not be able to help. But, I can most certainly refer you to someone who can. You can more about the causes of stuck pressure in the head here.
My specialty (and passion) is working with people who are undergoing a spiritual awakening. Many times, this is the result of a kundalini experience. If you are having energy pressure in the head as a result, the basic reason can be summed up by this picture.
During a spiritual awakening, your consciousness raises and the positive energy flows increase. However, our lower self has not completely healed yet. The key is to integrate the lower self. This is lower chakra work, where we examine our most fundamental beliefs about safety, power, sex, relationships, and money. And, clear any traumas that still linger.
I take a truly holistic approach to healing energy pressure in the head. This is what worked for me and I have seen it work for so many others. I believe that clearing negative patterns on all of the different body levels is the most straightforward path to healing. The six lower bodies are: physical, mental, emotional, etheric, astral and causal.
The first step is to find some relief from the energy head pressure. Am I right?! The head pressure can be excruciating to deal with. It can tie up so much of our energy that it becomes difficult to maintain a higher state of awareness, which is needed for healing.
In this post you can read about energy pressure in the head from the perspective of the etheric body.
Many people who have energy pressure in the head can feel an excess of energy in their bodies. It’s important to open up the purging channels within the etheric body and to strengthen the grounding meridian. I can show you how to do this using simple energy exercises. Once the excess energy is discharged, people can usually feel relief.
There are physical supplements that you can take to help you ground and ease your nervous system.
As you work on the etheric and physical bodies, the patterns that need to heal rise to the surface. I can help you become aware of them and release them. I use non-energetic techniques in the beginning, until the etheric body is reconditioned. Once your etheric body is aligned, I use something called Timeline Healing for rapid transformation.
If you are challenged with energy head pressure, and would like to talk about your situation, please contact me.
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