Are the vortexes real?
That’s a commonly asked question by people who visit Sedona.
What do I think? I think they are real. And I have had some mind-bending experiences in them.
What I’ve found is that how much of the mystery of the vortexes one experiences depends on his or her level of consciousness. And maybe a good shamanic guide to show you how to “see”.
I visited Sedona ten years ago because I read a book written by a shaman who lived there. His name is Greg Drambour and his connection with the vortexes is AMAZING (more info on Greg here: Sedona Spiritual Vacations).
I knew immediately I had to meet Greg. Nervous to go alone, I convinced my brother to join me for a long weekend in Sedona. We booked a vortex excursion, and it started off with a meeting in Greg’s office in Sedona. Greg wanted to know what I was focused on healing. I wasn’t sure.
“Whatever comes up,” I said. I had been going through a very powerful awakening process and I was RAW. I had done so much emotional processing and I did not feel like telling my life story and the challenges of the past couple of years to this person, no matter how shamanic he seemed.
We didn’t exactly start off on the right foot. I could tell that Greg felt uneasy without a focus, and I felt uneasy going out into the desert with someone I had met on-line and traveled five hours on a plane to meet.
But once we got out into nature everything changed. My brother and I walked behind Greg, all three of us silent. It seemed as if the desert bushes were bending over to be nearer to Greg. The trees seemed to lean in his direction as he walked by. Greg greeted each of them, with a kind hello or a touch of his hand. Was I hallucinating? I had never seen plant life move in this way. The vortexes he took us to were well off the beaten path. I experienced sensations, visions, and healing that I would have been compelled to believe I had hallucinated had my brother not been with me to validate my experience.
I had a profound healing of a trauma with the help of Greg and Mother Earth. Greg felt intuitively that an area under a tree would be helpful for me. I sat under the tree and a huge movement of energy within my body began to stir. It was so strong that my mind kicked in and I felt fear. This was new and unexpected and I was scared. “Just let it go, it wants to leave you,” Greg called calmly. He was sitting on a red rock watching intently. So I let go. My body shook, very violently, but all I felt was a pleasant release. When the process was finished I had tears in my eyes. I had been screaming and saying “Why is he doing this to me?” I was reliving an experience of a family member who hit me over and over again when I was a toddler. I thought it was something I was over and had healed. But it had lived on somewhere in my consciousness.
The feeling of the healing I had that day in the vortexes was very different from any other kind of healing I had experienced. I didn’t feel dizzy, out of it, or lost in thought afterward. The healing energy of Mother Earth was much more powerful than other spiritual healing modality I had tried and I felt amazingly grounded.
This was my first hint into the power that is available to us when we are firmly rooted to Mother Earth.
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