There are several reasons for the sensation of stuck energy in the head. Usually there are a couple of body energy blockages that create the uncomfortable sensations.
I’ve written a lot about the need to ground and clear blockages along the Ren meridian that runs along the front of the body. This is the grounding channel, and it’s very important to have this as strong and healthy as the Du meridian. The Du meridian runs up the spine towards the head.
Today I want to write about another energy block that creates a feeling of stuck energy in the head. It’s the blockage of cosmic energy coming in through the crown chakra. I talk to people almost daily who are experiencing head pressure issues as the result of a spiritual awakening. The percentage of people who have blocked crowns as the root cause of their discomfort is quite small, but I am meeting more and more people who fall into this category.
Usually people who have a block to cosmic energy pouring through them have experienced this divine sensation as a result of consciousness expansion. And then, a new layer of fears emerges to be dissolved. What does this look like? I will share with you my personal experience of crown blockage.
After my kundalini experience, I felt Divine Energy pouring in through the top of my head. I had no idea how to harness this energy. It was intense, it was beautiful, and it changed me forever.
I had no idea how to make it come or go. Unexpectedly while out grocery shopping the energy would stream in and go out my hands, third eye, and / or heart. It was always directed at a specific person, and sometimes people could feel it.
Once I was at the beach, in a secluded spot. The energy poured through me as I sat in total bliss admiring the sea. Then a man walked past me and stopped in his tracks. “What are you doing,” he asked. Before I knew it, he was seated next to me wanting to know more. He said he felt a deep love that he had never experienced before. I explained to him that I was in alignment with my Self, and that he too could align with his Self and have his own experience. But he was convinced that I was the source of the loving feeling he was experiencing. He wanted to meet me again, have my phone number, and spend time with me.
Afterwards my mind reeled. What did my Higher Mind think she was doing? Was this even safe? Would people misunderstand me and persecute me? Stalk me?
I had a lot to sort out. And who was there to talk to about these things? I knew some healers who could transmit energy, but their experiences were quite different from mine.
Finally I met healers and spiritual teachers who could answer my questions. I learned how to close my aura so I could go to a store and blend in. I learned (from the mystic Sal Rachele) how to channel this energy and use it during Timeline Healing sessions. And I began to trust, release resistance, and feel the last of the energy head pressure leave me for good.
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