Tuning fork therapy is a type of sound healing. And until more recently, I never gave a second thought to it. Like many tools that fall under the umbrella of “spiritual”, they became a fad. Suddenly every healer I knew had a couple of tuning forks. “Let me run this tuning fork over you to clear your field,” they said. One strike of the fork, a roll over my aura, and I felt nothing. That’s why I never investigated tuning fork therapy more.
Then I had a really good tuning fork therapy session. And my opinion of this healing modality completely changed. I felt positive changes to my etheric field. I relaxed deeply during the session. While I closed my eyes and listened to the sounds wash over me, images and color swirled in my vision. That night I slept like a baby. A week later I could still feel a state shift.
Next I participated in a sound bath. There were several instruments besides tuning forks. This time I experienced what I can only describe as a drug-free psychedelic journey. Visions, colors, fairy beings….and when it was over there was no harsh re-integration. Just a very pleasant memory of an experience.
That’s when I jumped into learning everything I could about sound healing, focusing specifically on tuning forks.
Here are some of my favorite tuning fork therapies:
Restoring nervous system balance – certain tuning fork frequencies can down-regulate the amygdala, increase nitric oxide cycles, and restore the balance of the nervous system. In my experience, tuning forks are a great tool to increase parasympathetic dominance.
Earth star chakra balancing – the earth star resides about 12 inches below the feet. It is in the etheric body and helps release negative energy to the earth for transmutation. It also draws in energy from the earth to the energy body. Traumas and negative experiences can cause the earth star chakra to become tucked under the feet. In this position, it becomes more difficult to draw in energy from the earth and release negative energy. Tuning forks can help balance the earth star chakra and anchor it in the most appropriate spot in the etheric body.
Fibonacci sequence for trauma healing – some unresolved traumas are too painful to face directly. Tuning forks, in a specific pattern called the Fibonacci sequence, can create an altered state conducive to resolving difficulties. I’ve found that using this pattern is similar to shamanic journeying. The left side of the brain loosens its grip in response to specific sounds. The right side of the brain creatively processes issues using images.
Balancing energy centers – during spiritual awakening, its possible for some energy centers to open up before others. This can create tension and discomfort. Tuning forks can balance energy centers and make spiritual awakening less intense.
These are just a few of my favorite tuning fork therapy applications. There are so many more!
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